The most beautiful beach is the symbol of Xiapu. The baptism of wind and waves creates its beautiful and changeable texture. As the local theme restaurant of Xiapu, "beauty of beach" has become the design concept of this case.

Commonly used in the wall of the rubble, in this case was creatively used by the designer for the decoration of the front desk. The designer boldly uses the texture paint in a large area in the dining room, and reappears the unpredictable water light, texture, line and texture of the beach under the sunlight with the abstract method, which is very visual impact.

And the use of local embellishment makes the beauty of beach reach the harmony of point, line and surface. The designer specially selects the local specialty fir for the charcoal burning treatment, and perfectly reflects the retro rural flavor of New Oriental style with the array technique. The rough, natural and simple stone emphasizes the sense of spatial texture from the details, echoes with the texture paint, and makes the "beauty of beach" more three-dimensional and spatial. Abandon the complexity and luxury, with the most natural building materials, to create a space full of years of accumulation of quiet, let people return to the peace of mind.

The decoration of the clear water brick on the wall, together with the rough stone and the delicate wood, strengthens the beautiful image of the ancient village. The partition of different dining space adopts the Chinese classical style lattice screen, which not only ensures certain privacy, but also maintains the sense of space penetration.
